This article is written by people with their own perspectives and opinions, but you shouldn’t necessarily take it personally.
Stay updated on industry trends: Our most popular article from last year explains why most freelancers think about the future as a career and clients want to make money. I’ve not changed my mind and haven’t seen this article yet. I always like to have a sense of how the freelance sector is going in the future.
Document your interests and what you like to do: Another idea I had before I turned freelancing into a side business was to take classes, so if you’re focused on big-picture learning and you have a massive student debt that’s stretching too thin and you need a career of your own, don’t pass up the chance.
Network with other freelancers: Students and industry-experienced freelancers who want to get more education should talk with people about what they are passionate about and how their skills could be incorporated into their lives. When it comes to freelancing I wouldn’t look for a job that pays $500 a week, I’d try to find one where I could work on freelance projects and earn less money.
Limit your emailing: With more clients, more content, and more media outlets online, emailing client relations teams from freelancing sites just isn’t worth it. Writing a decent explanation of your interest and why you want to meet with someone is a better investment of effort and time.
Don’t bother saving ideas: Negotiating new contracts can be quite a challenge when you are freelancing online and trying to minimize your saved time and cost. But while freelancing at university sounds easy, anything that you write down in a prepared text is an opportunity for further emailing. Some jobs don’t pay enough to be worth a tuition essay or LinkedIn profile, but any job you can get that allows you to engage in intellectual conversation will benefit from interacting. Emailing those you want to be contacted will create a more lasting contact with them and help them on the job hunt.
Ask for feedback: No matter what clients give you, it’s your job to apply them to your experience and know what they want. But freelancing won’t change overnight, so keep working through your ideas, and keep coming back to your clients, thanking them for their feedback and making improvements. Each customer is different so you’ll need to understand your needs, what is going to make your work better and how to better write it for them. Sometimes problems with job applications are just an issue to solve, but often you need to re-evaluate your approach, but this shouldn’t take too long. As soon as I started freelancing I wanted to improve the quality of all my work and received that help from various acquaintances. They told me to write longer emails, clearer paragraphs, and convey more information. It’s a process that takes time, but there are rewards.
Brush up on tech skills: Having a technical background can be beneficial in freelancing. Starting with the basics of Photoshop (I wanted to do a magazine article), spreadsheet and PPT all gave me more familiar with how to write stories and take photos. I would often take my pictures with my DSLR and create simple layouts and augment them with great descriptions. It’s hard to get new clients when you are unfamiliar with the world of freelancing and the technology you are applying to some of your jobs. Invest in a mini-training so you can take your skills to the next level.
Freelancing isn’t easy, but it’s rewarding and you can make a great career for yourself if you have the talent and tenacity to make it happen. Find other freelancers who have what you need, but most importantly, give you advice and never stop learning.